
Zero Waste

In this age of conspicuous consumerism, it can feel like the art of true creation - of making objects with real meaning - is lost in a desperate race to the bottom. When the finish line becomes making something for the cheapest price, making it quicker than the next person, and the ever-faster pursuit of fashions and trends, it is race where no one will ever be crowned the winner.


Zero Waste is a unique collection with three sub-catergories; Integrate, Pixel and Bitmap. As a brand that always strives to use sustainably sourced materials, Zuzunaga prioritises its status as an ethical business and aims to impact the world in a positive way. The business isn’t driven by profit, but instead holds close its desire to create beautiful objects. Supporting craftsmanship, empowering local communities, and growing a global family of like-minded people is at the heart of what Zuzunaga does.


The Individuate project is dedicated to Graham Horwood and C.G.Jung. According to C. G. Jung, the functions of consciousness relate to the ways in which the conscious mind apprehends reality. ‘Sensation’ tells one that something exists. ‘Thinking’ informs one of what it is. ‘Feeling’ guides us emotionally, and helps us to decide whether something is good or bad, and ‘Intuition’ helps us to speculate upon its origin, as well as its past and future use. 

Our books are gifts; the gift of time. They are a place of virtual inspiration to breathe life back into yourself, your mind and your relationship with the world around you. Striving always for projection instead of introspection, these books are an oasis or a time and space for our minds.

Our books enable you to organise your mind, to draw, to dream and to write. These creative endeavours will help you to embark on an inner journey which will, in turn, manifest as your present reality.